
oh holiday travel!

So im sure this is a problem a lot of people have.
the seats on the airplane are pretty freaking small. and, i fly bargain airlines because i am poor, so of course there isnt going to be ass-tons of room or anything. i get that. i have flown enough to understand that concept. i also know that there are always a lot of people flying around the holidays, so there are full flights and all that jazz. i always try to get a window seat because i get that extra inch of room between me and the window. so the real reason of this rant? the lady sitting next to me kept jabbing me with her elbow while she was sleeping, and as a result i couldnt sleep. so i jab her back of course, and it has no effect whatsoever on her. wtf?
now, when i do actually sleep on the plane (i got about an hour on this 4.5 hour flight!), i always keep my arms crossed, to keep myself warm and to keep it out of the way of the person next to me. did this lady have the same consideration? no. she kept her hands interlaced on her lap, therefore spilling her elbows into both of the side seats. that is so incredibly rude.
so, lady who sat in the middle with the fugly purple sweater: your elbow behavior is unacceptable, and if you dont like sitting in the middle seat, maybe you shouldnt be one of the last people to board the plane. suck it up like the rest of us.

short rant tonight... for i am incredibly tired and almost falling asleep at the keyboard.

up and coming blogs!
-things no one ever needs: courtesy of the SKYMALL catalog (coming in january)
-how i hate my upstairs neighbors
-how im upset my parents are selling my car


thank you old man at ACT.

a bit of background first: i have a full season subscription to ACT (american conservatory theatre) here in SF. being a subscriber is awesome, you can change your ticket if you cant make it to the show you are scheduled. so this last show, i had to resched because i signed up for thursdays, and now that i work that night, it just doesnt work. when you resched they give you a different seat and, this season, i am subscribed by myself, so i sit with a bunch of people i dont know.

so i go on wednesday and i got there really early because i didnt go home first, so i went shopping, and i was sitting in my seat reading my lush newsletter to pass the time, and an old man sat next to me a few minutes before the show started. little did i know that there were to incredibly uncomfortable intermissions in store for me. this is not why im complaining. in the first one, he kept talking to me. i usually gave short answers, but that did not stop him. BUT what really got me was his insistance that i be an actress. im not raining on any actresses right now, but im a tech for a reason. when i first told him that, i got the normal "i have no idea what you are talking about look" and then i explained. after a short pause, he was like "if you were offered a really good role, would you take it?" i said no, he wanted to know why, i said i didnt act, and he wouldnt take that for an answer. so heres my problem, which was put elegantly into words by my roommate: why can't people accept the fact that some female techs CHOSE to be techs and arent failed actors? i am not an actress, nor do i want to be. sure, i like to have my moment in the spotlight every now and then, but i dont want that to be in the form of acting. no no no. i cant act anyway. damn you old man and not accepting the fact that i like to build things and thats why im at school (he thought this was an answer lacking in substance when he asked what i was learning).
also, if im looking away from you and dont really expound on answers, i probably dont want to talk to you. a little insight, though this used to be a phobia of mine, i now look people directly in the eyes when i want to speak with them. except when im in the car, because that is a safety issue.

this one isnt super angry. maybe i really dont hate everything


prop shop themed... OOOH!

okay. so, theres a pretty big chance that im going to be complaining about the prop shop a lot, mostly because i spend a lot of time in there, and apparently it can be the land of stupid people.
also, a little side note, im sure you all have noticed that im not a huge fan of capitalization or puncuation. this i attribute to lazyness and being really used to auto correct in word. if it bothers you, start your own blog and complain about me. really, you will feel better.

HOKAY, so.
today was crazy busy in the p.shop. a bunch of the cinema kids are shooting stuff this weekend, (probably because its a 3 day), so there were three people picking up props at the same time from cinema, an off campus alum (who is super sweet by the way and i love him) and a lady from the music department. so, we have like 4 carts, but two of them have gigantic radios on them right now. did i know this? no. i am not a CATS member. so ive got all these people and they are all like "BLAASAH I NEED A CART" and im trying to find them, and its so not working. the lady from the music department isnt supposed to lift things i guess, but there were no available carts, and shes complaining to me that she is on a time limit. okay, lady, you are nice and all, and didnt give me trouble before, but it is not my fault we dont have that many freaking carts and you didnt get here before the assload of other people did. also, its not my freaking job to help you move your shit. seriously, its not in my job description. but i helped you anyway because you are my elder and well, thats the polite thing to do.
onto the cinema kids. could you have any more props? one girl had three pages worth. seriously, when you bring those back, you better put them back where they go, or i will be blacklisting you in a heartbeat. AND other CINE kid, get on the bandwagon, you cant have our mainstage props. see that little tag? THAT MEANS NO. we have told you three times already. THREE. and no, you cant go in the catacombs. we show you them so you know they are there, and to taunt you.
also, if it looks like im freaking out a little bit, do not pester me with your stupid questions! if i am juggling three clipboards and checking people out, wait your freaking turn and i will get to you when i am finished. and how many times do i have to tell people... YOU CANT HAVE THE WICKER. its in the rules. read them, dammit. they are posted in two different places. your ignorance is not an excuse. thats in the rules too. know what else it says in there? i can blacklist you if i feel like it. i dont need any sort of reason, except that you pissed me off. sweet. read it, its right there. it also says we can close off part of the shop if it gets too messy and then no one can rent from there. we might do that too.


oh, but really, know what made this day THE BEST?! CB found a dude sleeping in the platform room. i have no freaking idea how he got in there, but really... wtf? only today would that have happened. only today. or yesterday rather. it is now officially FRIDAY.

::end rant::



yes, yes, i know. i have an assload of "blogs" already, why do i need another one?
this one is strictly complain/ praise about the world around me. fun, eh?

i actually got the idea from 'dude' from school. on friday, he came into the prop shop and said that i hate everything. that i am a hater. he even said it was on the internet at aimeehateseverything.com. well... this is close enough. i don't everything. just almost everything.

is everyone ready?

complaint #1: people who make their cars louder than they already are.
what the hell? there is a reason it is required to have a muffler. gah, it drives me crazy, seeing these cars that are waaaay way too loud. especially when they are sitting at the light in front of the apartment and then they zoom off, because, oh my god they are SO cool. you are not cool. sound pollution sucks. maybe you are compensating for something?