

okay, so this is kind of a mix of a bunch of different things but with one common thread: MUNI.
i don't mind riding the muni, really. its kind of nice to have an hour to collect my thoughts before i have to be proactive about life. its the other people riding the muni that bug me.
1. the person who takes up all four seats on the side. they've got the bag, their ass taking up two and their leg is all up on the other seat. wtf? its lovely to lay out isnt it? okay, not on the muni where there are a lot of other people who would like to sit down.
2. people who don't sit on the inside seat. this only bothers me sometimes, mostly when its uuber crowded, and they don't slide over. people don't want to ask you to move, so sliiiiide over to the window. i don't care if you are boxed in. if you are getting off soon, get up and let other people sit down.
3. people who run into you and your bags even if there is a ton of other space on the aisle for them to walk. seriously, it's not that narrow of a space, damn you people.
4. the horrible smell that the busses and muni get when its rainy. a buddy of mine calls it "hobo smell" i call it wet dog. its not pleasant. plus, they crank the heat and you dont want to open the windows because its rainy so its warm stinky air. uuugh, its sooo nasty.
5. crotch/face space. okay, so i know the muni gets crowded, but when you are fortunate enough to get a seat, and happen to be facing toward the aisle, you are bound to be staring at someones crotch. thats just where eyelines happen to be. how awkward is that? very. where are you supposed to look? there is only so many places you can avert your eyes, and it's bound to be a sea-o-crotches. the other week, this happened to me, and i ended up staring at the guys zipper because it was falling. kind of odd, i know, but i got into my head about wondering if he knew his zipper was falling and if he self-concious about it. i could just have easily stared at his pocket or something, but noooo. anyway.
6. delays. oh dear god. lately, they are renovating and all that, its insane. one weekend, they closed castro-west portal station and didn't really tell anyone. it was only this little tiny sign. it was crazy. everyone was late i think. the shuttle busses were very packed.
7. the lack of M cars. not only do they only send one car at a time at night, they are insanely far apart. me and everyone else who has a night class that gets out at 10 and travelling inbound has to not only wait for like 20 minutes, but then we all have to cram onto one car. uncomfortable. then, a couple of weeks ago, i was on my way to my 8am shift, and i got on an M, and was all the way to Sloat (a mere 4 stops away from school), when we were told he was having electrical problems and we all had to get off. and stand in the rain. for 20 minutes. and another M showed up at 8. i was late. LAME.
8. litterers on the muni. being a litterer in general is lame, but when you leave your garbage on the bus or whatever, its really gross. other people have to sit there. oh, and the people who eat sunflower seeds and spit the shells everywhere. wtf? OH and the spitters! thats soooooooooo nasty. i do not want your DNA where i would like to sit.

i have more issues with muni. but, my hand hurts from pounding on the wall last night. note to self: use something else to do that. damn neighbors.



okay. first off, let me say i don't hate online dating services. i don't think they are the greatest thing in the world, but if it works for some people, god forbid i rain on their parade. and that one guy just looks sooooo happy in his commercials. actually, he might be for match.com, i can't even remember. aaaaaaaaanyway.
on myspace, and other places i'm sure, match.com has come up with these ads which have a video of a person who is "actually online" or whatever. they freak me OUT. first off, i find webcams the coolest thing ever, but, when i am watching someone i don't know, and its not by choice, i feel stalkery and weird. and, its always some guy making these "oh really!" faces to the camera. ugh, they are so creepy. i've seen two different ones. the first one was this dude who was sitting there and then he's all like "OH!" and he takes his sweatshirt off. the second one is of this dude who looks like he keeps saying "really!" and "ooooh."
thank you match.com for making me feel dirty.


everywhere i look... its hearts.


Valentine's Day, whoop-de-do. pretty much everyone i know, including those with significant others find February 14th no reason to celebrate. we are all under the same impression: Hallmark made it up. i don't really care if there is some historical background (once, one of my professors took the first hour of class describing the origins of V.day from different cultures. it was appropriate to the class and all, but meh, evs yo). the point is NOW its ridiculous. and people get all mad if you miss it and bla bla bla. Personally, i used the day to give my roommates things i wanted to give them anyway (a succulent for shynie, a Bing Crosby book for allison, and Reefer Madness for mickey) and of course we gave each other silly cards.
but seriously, lets think about this... do you think its a coincidence that Valentine's Day shares its initials with Venereal Disease? i know i sure don't.
i'm sure all the greeting card companies make a steal, so do the chocolate companies that waste paper to make ugly boxes and put their okay chocolate in. give me a stack of dagoba bars tied with a ribbon and i'll be yours, baby.
also, the commercials! ooooooooh my god. i hate jewelery commercials anyway (do you know where your diamonds are coming from?) but they turn up the sweet/sickly dial for V.day, and i don't want to see it any more. plus everything is red and pink and is frilly with hearts. i can be girly with some of the best, but it gets to be way too much for me. especially when it starts in december.
i do see some upsides. for one, the post office/ dhl/ ups/ fed ex get a load of business with the flowers and all that. but, again... do you know where your flowers come from? organic flowers rock hardcore... i'm just saying. i had the unfortunate luck to have to fill in at the Towers front desk at 11am on tuesday for about an hour. not only were there about 12 packages from USPS, but 6 from FedEx and 26 from UPS. TWENTY SIX. i didn't even bother with those and left them for the kid after me, i was only filling in after all. but, of course, i was greeted with about 22 packages of my own when i went back to the dorms. so yay for the mail/post industry. especially USPS, support them.

but, thankfully, i live in SF, where the people are a little nuts and steal crazy good ideas from other cities. case in point: at 6pm on valentines day, there was a flash mob pillow fight. it was AWESOME. we got there a bit late, but i have to say, it was the most fun i've had in a while. i was giggling for a good thirty minutes while whacking people i didn't know with a pillow and getting showered with feathers. given, i inhaled some, choked, and coughed for the rest of the night, it was totally worth it. it was so much fun. i didn't even mind going to class afterwards (15 minutes late, covered in feathers and down and carrying a pillow, hee!). so i reccomend organizing your own flash mob pillow fight. they are amazingly great.