
those lovely holidays

i am yet another one of those disgruntled, unhappy shoppers you see standing in line the day before christmas, shooting daggers from their eyes.
im kind of over christmas. this year didnt seem like christmas at all. it was kind of bizzare. xmas is really for little kids and familys that drink. (my family, for the most part, is not part of that second group. i think we would all have a little more fun if we were).
SO in that lovely vein, here are my complaints with the holiday season. in no particular order because i'll probably just randomly think of them.

-ridiculous shopping thats starts before thanksgiving now. seriously.
-people. now, i usually hate people, but a lot of people (myself being included sometimes) get a special kind of stupid around the holidays. like they forget how to walk in a store, or act in a crowd. it drives me crazy.
-drivers. oh my dear GOD. admittedly, it wasnt as bad this year because it didnt snow, but people just get dumb. take the first open spot you see, because you arent going to get anything thats all that close. and if you are able-bodied, then leave the close spots for those who arent.
-the movies. everything seems to have an upbeat ending, and someone finds their christmas spirit. suck on that. i know i didnt find my christmas spirit this year. and there are a few that make me cry (especially when im not home from school yet). ugh, and even worse are the ones i HAAATE. i actually hate "A Christmas Story". i hate it. really. the kid annoys me and i hope he shoots his eye out. the only good parts of that movie is the kid who licks the pole and gets stuck and the leg lamp. also, "It's A Wonderful Life" is okay... but zuzu's voice grates my nerves. but they both get over-played before christmas even comes.
-the hype. i guess this comes back to me not finding my xmas spirit. for our family, the holidays havent really been all that good to us as of the last few years. as much as i would like to believe in xmas miracles, i have yet to see one that wasnt written for a made for tv movie with some random semi-celebrity. for those who dont know, im not religious. my parents are different religions, so we never went to church and my sister and i arent baptized. (::shock face!:: for some people, i know). However, i used to find xmas really fun, even after we stopped getting toys and such. after i went to college, i was usually happy to be home (it comes in phases) and actually enjoyed the company of my family. this year there are no warm fuzzy feelings... am i jaded?
and lastly, the blatant commercialism i 'buy' into every year (heh heh, i made a pun). as michael from the office puts it so nicely, a present is a physical thing you can touch and show people and say, i love you this many dollars worth. (thats paraphrased...) unfortunately im not nearly as crafty as i thought i was, and i never have time to make anything for anyone. i mean, my freshman year at sfsu, everyone got bottles of ocean because i was poor and had mini water bottles. thats about as far as my craft goes. i never know what to get anyone, so i end up getting things that they will probably never use, or get that general nail-kit gift for one of my female relatives (erin, if you read this, i actually got that for you though, it was purposeful). its kind of lame, and i feel even lamer (or a lamer... hah) for going along with it. i try to get things that people actually want (netflix subscriptions are THE BEST) but im pretty sure i get things that dont really have a purpose or cant be used (like the ginormous ornament i got my mom. i thought they were much smaller).

so these are my issues. i listened to christmas music to get myself all spirited up... no luck.
i dont know. i guess it just wasnt a christmas-y kind of year.


oh MUNI!

so this post is kind of love/hate/amused post.

so last night i get on the M to come to work, its about 11:15. now, i get on at castro, which is the last/first stop because they are doing "improvements" or whatever, and the car is supposed to be empty because they make everyone get off. not last night, there are these two guys passed OUT in two seats. and i mean out cold. one guy is laying on his back, sprawled out, one shoe on his chest and the other guy is sitting up but leaning back. so we all get on and are laughing at them. i mean, its got to be bad if the muni guy cant wake you up to get you off the train.
at forest hill, this guy gets on. he starts yelling about the lying hippies on haight and how they did/ tried to steal his/ his mom's ipod. he told the story 4 times, once to each part of the train, and each time his story changed. the most disturbing part of all of it is how he talked about how he beat up the stealing hippy. first it just started as beating but his last story included a 10-minute face stomping. scaaaaaaaaaary. and dude is SCREAMING and very obviously drunk. personally i have never encountered the stealing hippies... but you never know what might happen. so he gets off at west portal, still yelling about the lying cheating hippies and the muni guy actually stops and gets out of his little room and walks through the car letting us know hes stopped so muni police can come and pull of the passed out guys. by the time they show up, it takes them like 10 minutes to pull them off the train. i mean these guys dont want to move. apparently they had been on there for 2 hours already. woah. the one guy was holding onto a pole for dear life after he finally stood up. i have no idea what they had drank/ what they were on, but it was a bit too much. when the muni police got the first guy off the train the first thing he did was pass out on the bench. it was totally hardcore. a girl got it all on video with her phone. im kind of hoping it shows up on youtube eventually. if so, i will edit and post a link because its kind of hard to even believe it actually happened and that i witnessed it.

the love part of this post was the muni driver. he was great and wasnt angry about anything. he apologized if any of us were going to work, but i told him that i was pretty sure everyone here wouldnt mind that i was late because two dudes had passed out on the muni. i actually got here fairly early anyway.

thus my entertaining muni ride. i was mostly amused. not with the hippie hater though, he was kind of frightening and annoying and i wanted to talk back to him, but i figured that would just make things worse.

what i actually hate at this moment? i have a half hour left of work. an hour and a half before i can sleep. im so freaking tired.


another prop shop themed post!

alright. again... the prop shop apparently attracts a lot of dumb people. (does that make me sound elitist?) anyway.
first: this guy comes down and asks for a screen he reserved. we recently decided the screen (which was hand-made and HUGE) should be main stage only, meaning only main stage theatre productions can use it. so we put it in the catacombs (a creepy room with dim lights, dripping water and possible asbestos) so people wouldnt take it. i had to tell him like five times that he couldn't have it. and he keeps trying and trying and i just keep telling him that there is no possible way that i can let him have it. he sucked. he tried to guilt trip me. welcome to life dude, not everything is going to work out for you.
second: tons of people keep leaving their stuff in the hallway. and i cant even find a sheet for it. i vaguely remember checking the props out, but i cant for the life of me remember who checked them out. this is incredibly frustrating. know whats even better? we get to put them all away. um, no. not my job. there is now a bed on a frame added to the pile and i have no idea where it came from.
third: the actual storage place is a MESS. its ridiculous. we lost some of our shelving because they put in a lift for a show, and its still there. also, the props from our last mainstage show did not get put away in the right places. we need more man power.

so i keep trying to tell myself that people arent used to checking out props and they dont know where things go, but really. i think you can put things back where similar things go, right? lets not even talk about how people dont know how to fold soft goods and the small hand props room looked like a thrift store threw up in there.
if people would take the time to read the freaking rules and think about what they are doing we would not have this problem. allison and i are cracking DOWN next semester.