
i'm all for electronics but...

so there is the iPod: it plays music and videos, movies, podcasts, etc. there are games you can play on it, it's good times.

there is also the iPhone: you can make phone calls, browse the internet, watch videos, and LISTEN TO MUSIC and numerous other things like calendar and such.

so i'm sitting on the train today, and i see this girl who is so desperately trying to be one of the olsen twins it maims my soul (*i have a story that pertains to this at the bottom*). She has the 'bohemian' clothes, the scraggly blonde hair in her eyes, ugly boots, giant bag, she even has their stupid lip pursing down pat.

i'm not going to lie, i judge people by the way they look. i know that sounds totally superficial and horrible, but, evs yo. everyone does it. if they say they don't i think they are lying through their teeth. so right off the bat i'm kind of annoyed by this chick because she is trying way too hard (thats a whole different post...) and she kind of gives me a dirty look when i sit down (probably since she doesn't like the looks of me, so i guess we are even) ANYWAY. she's listening to an iPod, which doesn't bother me, because, well i am too. until, of course, she pulls out an iPhone. wait, what? i understand having both... but if you are going to have an iPhone, why not use the iPod capabilities? i mean, thats kind of why it's so cool. and you look retarded having both of them at the same time. i get that maybe the iPhone doesn't hold as much music as your pod. that make sense... but you still look stupid having both of them sitting on your lap while you are on the train. also, she obviously needed glasses as she held both items about 4 inches away from her face when looking at them. as a person she just bugged me. and thats all you need to know

*so the other week on the train, i saw a kid who wanted to be pete wentz so badly it made emo kids look cool. i thought of that line right away and i was so proud of myself i had to share it again. maybe i will talk about scenesters in a new post in a bit. i feel bad for neglecting my poor rant blog.

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