
my goal is to write in this 4 times a week. heh. here it goes.

dear neighbors,
it is 11pm, the sunday before labor day, and you are obviously having a grand old time with your friends.
just to let you know, your drunken karaoke is not amusing two houses away. perhaps if you weren't singing at the top of your lungs in your back yard, i wouldn't be wishing you'd fall in your pool.
perhaps i wish i were d.karaokeing with you, but i am not and you're annoying.
please shut up so i can go to sleep, as i am already well on my way to being a crotchety old lady at the ripe age of 23.
thanks a bunch,


well it's been a while and i can't bring myself to do anything substantial at the moment (which is terrible, considering what needs to be done by... tomorrow.)

anyway... what's up with the new slutty 5 dollar bills the US is printing up these days? i'm okay with a little purple on the front, i mean, many many different countries have pretty money that comes in different colors. i didn't like the peachy 20s when they came out, maybe because i'm just accustomed to green money. just call me resistant to change.

but seriously, that big ol purple five on the back? that's just slutty. it's so unneeded. i'm sure it will help with counterfeiting and all that jazz... but man they are just ugly! is counterfeiting a big problem? do we just not hear about it?

what's next on the minting agenda? we've enlarged the heads of pretty much every guy (twss... but ew), and i doubt that is neccesary. we've added peach and purple to some of our dollars. i'm guessing pennies are going to disappear (sad, i like pennies), maybe they will introduce some new colors. some pink? peacock? powder? i wish i could think of more p colors. i'm guessing blue and yellow (gold) are the next to show up. they won't beat the slutty purple though.

you may wonder why i think purple is slutty. i couldn't really tell you. i'm wearing a purple shirt now, and i am not, by any means, slutty. purple usually signifies royalty (dates back to the expensive dye they used), but theres something about putting purple on a green five dollar bill that screams slutty.

maybe i think about these things too much.


i am going to be a bit more blunt and open/ forthcoming in this post, just because... if you can't do it on the internet, then where, eh?

so here's the thing. i have big boobs. there's no getting around it (literally). they get in the way all the time really are a common nuisance.

on wednesday my underwire decided it wanted to impale me, and it is truly the most uncomfortable thing ever, is to be stabbed in the torso by a broken underwire. so i go to target today to get a new bra. yes, i buy them from target because i am cheap and really don't have all that much money to spend. so what happens? i find ONE in my size. ONE! out of the whole lingerie section of target, there is only one bra in my size? it's really annoying in general that there is only a bitty section of 'full size' bras in the first place. holy god, i mean, i know that not everyone has a giant chest, but when most racks only go to a C cup, D if i'm lucky, i feel dumb. especially since i have to literally dig through the 'full size' rack to hopefully come across one in my size. not that i have to look much, as it's only like 8 little racks to go through. it's kind of depressing.

maybe it's because i don't want to spend all that much money on finding a bra. but i can't even go to victoria's secret, as they don't go to my size. bra shopping sucks in general. i've never known anyone who actually enjoys going bra shopping. it's tedious and mostly boring. you have to try on a lot of them just to find one that fits right. and believe me, most of them do NOT fit right. so, when they make it worse, and marginalize those of us that have bigger chests, it makes my shopping even worse.

also... every 'full size' bra is god awful ugly. stupid bows or ugly lace or just downright butt uglyness. when there are racks and racks of cute prints and girly colors in smaller sizes, i don't want to end up with lacy flowers all over my boobs, okay? because they aren't even hot lacy flowers, they are ugly lacy flowers and it's really not fair.

the other thing... if i already have DD boobs, (if not bigger... because really, thats as high as they go at target), do you REALLY think i need PADDING?! to make them even BIGGER? Support is nice, really, but adding an extra quarter of an inch to my already in the way chest isn't what i have in mind. not to mention that i just want a plain black bra to wear. because i do in fact wear tank tops sometimes, and i wouldn't mind people seeing a black strap. but tan or baby blue, not so much.

so that's my rant. i just want to find a reasonably priced, nice fitting bra for my big boobs. and i don't want it to be but ugly, adorned by lace, or have any bows. is that so hard to ask? really?


i'm all for electronics but...

so there is the iPod: it plays music and videos, movies, podcasts, etc. there are games you can play on it, it's good times.

there is also the iPhone: you can make phone calls, browse the internet, watch videos, and LISTEN TO MUSIC and numerous other things like calendar and such.

so i'm sitting on the train today, and i see this girl who is so desperately trying to be one of the olsen twins it maims my soul (*i have a story that pertains to this at the bottom*). She has the 'bohemian' clothes, the scraggly blonde hair in her eyes, ugly boots, giant bag, she even has their stupid lip pursing down pat.

i'm not going to lie, i judge people by the way they look. i know that sounds totally superficial and horrible, but, evs yo. everyone does it. if they say they don't i think they are lying through their teeth. so right off the bat i'm kind of annoyed by this chick because she is trying way too hard (thats a whole different post...) and she kind of gives me a dirty look when i sit down (probably since she doesn't like the looks of me, so i guess we are even) ANYWAY. she's listening to an iPod, which doesn't bother me, because, well i am too. until, of course, she pulls out an iPhone. wait, what? i understand having both... but if you are going to have an iPhone, why not use the iPod capabilities? i mean, thats kind of why it's so cool. and you look retarded having both of them at the same time. i get that maybe the iPhone doesn't hold as much music as your pod. that make sense... but you still look stupid having both of them sitting on your lap while you are on the train. also, she obviously needed glasses as she held both items about 4 inches away from her face when looking at them. as a person she just bugged me. and thats all you need to know

*so the other week on the train, i saw a kid who wanted to be pete wentz so badly it made emo kids look cool. i thought of that line right away and i was so proud of myself i had to share it again. maybe i will talk about scenesters in a new post in a bit. i feel bad for neglecting my poor rant blog.


what happened to all the free photo hosting on the internet?

i used to be able to host as many pictures on yahoo as i wanted, but they teamed up with flickr, which i didn't think was a problem until they told me i had too many pictures and i can only have 200 at a time. um, lame. well, i could pay $25 a month for more storage. no.
so people keep telling me about picasa and how it's so great, so i'm trying that, but not only is it really slow, but i only get 1024MB, which i know is a lot, but i take a LOT of pictures. and i like to share them. as of now, i have a lot of them on facebook, which will probably start imposing a limit on me sometime soon. Photobucket gives me up to a GB, which is really nice of them.

no more unlimited free places though. damn consumerism and people's want of money all the time.


bumps in the night... and the day... and the early morning

i've been talking about posting this for a while, and it's finally time.

at 6:45 this morning, a friday, my day to sleep in, i was woken up by foot stomps and thumps from upstairs. this isn't a new occurance. our upstairs neighbors seem to have feet made of lead. i can actually tell when they are walking up the stairs in the center of the building, as it resembles the sounds of a Discovery channel stampede. usually i will roll over and fall back to sleep.

this morning however, it was different. it was like they were having a dance party at a god-awful time in the morning. every fifteen or so minutes i was rudely re-awakened by some other bump or stomp and sometimes bangs loud enough to shake the walls.

jesus-joe on a stick, i actually hate these people. i've never met any of them, actually. i don't know how many of them there are, but i know there are adults and little kids and they are somehow millions of pounds and can make insane noises.

i gave up around 9am. 9am on my day off. ridiculous. i decided watching a movie was a viable alternative, as the noises usually stop around 9:30, i assume they go to work. not today. they continue. the thumps and scrapings are now accompanies by music. i haven't the slightest as to what it is, i just know that there is a drumish sound, going, bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk... bonk my head against the wall? i continue with my movie, until there are three loud bangs in a row. my immediate response? bang my fist on the wall. no reaction. MORE LOUD SOUNDS. i finish my movie. i lay in bed, not wanting to get out as it is cold and i don't need to be anywhere until 1:30 anyway. STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP. oh my goooooooooooood.

i can hear someone snoring in the room directly above me almost every night. maybe it's because my room is a bit cavernous, but it doesn't really matter. if your snores can be heard over music and a room down... you might want to see someone about that. my roommate is over the kids room. she swears they dribble bowling balls and enjoy jumping off the bed. i don't doubt her for a second. she also stumbled into my room early one sunday to inform me that who ever was upstairs was BLASTING Christina Aguilera... specifically Genie in a Bottle.. in spanish. and let me tell you, 9am on a sunday is way too early for genie in a bottle. always.

I have resorted to noise canceling headphones. i can still hear the bangs. seriously, what are these people's feet made of? maybe they don't have carpet. i don't know. i just know they are loud and they drive me crazy.

someone vacuums at all hours. i mean all hours. 6am, 3pm, 7pm, 2am. there are metal scraping and banging noises like a file cabinet has been pushed over. we can hear the children run from one end of the apartment to the other... and back. indescribable noises that will make you jump six inches out of your skin. a weird repetitive noise that sounds like a dull knife on metal. maybe porcelain on porcelain, that comes from the closet/bathroom area. i'm convinced there is a captive trying to get out. of course there isn't, but it sounds like it.

any rational human being would go upstairs and ask them to be quiet.
2 problems with that. 1. i am not a rational person. 2. i'm pretty sure it won't help.
i base this on an incident from last year. it was the middle of the day, and i was attempting homework. i was quite stressed at the time, and i don't know why but i was. so i just hear all of this banging coming from over my room and the living room and after one particular spectacular crash, i lost my marbles and yell "WOULD YOU PLEASE BE QUIET?!" at the top of my lungs at the ceiling. silence, for a few moments, shuffling, and the two little bastards (a guess, but i'm pretty sure there are 2 kids, and they aren't actual bastards, but that's all i can bring myself to call the little devils), start stomping in a small circle in the middle of my bedroom. i went into the kitchen, where it was silent for a while. therefore, i know i'm not rational (yelling at the ceiling? yeaaah), and i'm pretty sure they are vengeful little bastards.

not to mention, i'm a member of the unconfrontational club, so i just can't. in fits of fury i swear to cut their feet off and hope that then they'd just have stumps to mope around on, and they'd have to leave because we don't have an elevator. i just have hatred for this group of people i don't know that invade my space with their ridiculous noises.



i'm sure the AARP is a wonderful association. i'm also sure that they would save a lot of money if they double checked the ages of people they are sending their information to. on three different occasions now, AARP has sent me things, saying that i am fully eligible for benefits.
On what planet?
i'm not nearly old enough, nor have i made nearly enough money to retire. i haven't even begun a career enough to retire.
i want to know where they got my information and where it says that i'm eligible for these things. silly if you ask me.

though, i did sign up for a no-mail list, and once it kicked in, three months after i signed up, my amount of junk mail has significantly reduced. thats quite nice.

this is a slightly pointless post. i apologize. i need to get back into the swing of things.


Lets talk about the Emmys!

Lets talk about the Emmys!

They sucked. they were really really really bad.

the office got shafted 7 out of their 8 nominations, and that just breaks my heart. Jenna Fischer was amazing last season, and i was so sad she lost to Jaime Pressly.

and, lets talk about how the cast members were totally shafted and stuck in the BACK. i saw the cast... twice. all i saw was rainn wilson and a 5 second shot of the girl sitting next to john krasinski.

heroes also got shafted.

and oh my god the jokes were SO bad.

oh, and when is tony benett just going to stop (or maybe rehearse a little more if you are going to be on tv)?

at least ugly betty didn't win for best comedy again. LAME. instead 30 rock won, a show i just do not find funny.

i have lost faith in the entertainment industry.

its probably for the best that most of the shows i used to watch are cancelled. ::sigh:


i am utterly FLOORED when i realize how stupid people can be.

so i'm watching 1 vs 100, and the $2,000 question has to do with the definition of genealogy.
the guy uses a help line because he thinks its about antiques. ITS IN THE NAME!
it hurts my soul. the guy obviously passed the entrance test, and i get that it must be stressful to be in front of all those people. but oh my dear god. plus, he's older than i am, so i mean, he should know more than me, shouldn't he?

so i decided i should be on 1 vs 100. i went to check out audition times, but i missed the open casting... and you can audition via tape. in your video you have to say what you would do with $1,000,000. thats easy.

anyway. while looking at this, i saw that nbc is bringing back american gladiators! OH MY GOD that is awesome.



a little something i DON'T hate: PostSecret

i really think the postsecret project is completely genius. i have secrets i'd like to send in. part of me thinks i should really just tell real people about them, but another part of me is terrified to do so. this is why its a great idea.

coming soon to aimee hates everything!
-loud music/ bass
-the lack of imagination in the movie industry.